Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 18- Online Productiviy

well what an eye opener Zoho was, I particularly liked the you-tube vodcast of the explaination of the system. I am trying to come to terms with this ??This is the way of the future makes email and word/excel seem old fashion. May need some hold handing at first to use it, but the possibilities are much to do little time

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week 19- web 2.0 Awards

The pressure is on to complete the Web 2.0 23 things….so I took a dip in the Web 2.0 sea…What I have discovered is a really great site this lists the best websites in various categories…I could check this out all day….but must get back to work. What I found great was lulu which is a self publishing site...I have already passed on this information to my friend in the US who has self published her family history with reciepes from her mother and the family. Will have to get back to that one when I get time...